Laws of casting
Ingersoll & Walding
(1986) formulated an expanded set of 17 separate recommendations for spruing,
investing, burnout, melting & casting procedures. Collectively these
guidelines are referred to as “the laws of casting”.

1st Law of Casting
ü Attach
the pattern sprue former to the thickest portion of the wax pattern:
This provides the
molten metal to flow from larger diameter to thinner sections
Penalty: cold shuts,
short margins and incomplete casting

2 nd Law of Casting
Ø Orient
wax patterns so all the restoration margins will face the trailing edge when
the ring is positioned in the casting machine:
Add a wax dot to the
crucible so that, it will guide us in placing the ring in casting machine
Penalty: cold shuts and
short margins
3rd Law of Casting
ü Position
the patterns in the “cold zone” of the investment and reservoir in the “heat
center” of the casting ring:
Adherence to this law
causes porosity in the reservoir
Penalty: shrinkage

4th Law of Casting
ü A
reservoir must have sufficient molten alloy
to accommodate the shrinkage occurring within the restorations:
Molten metal shrinks
and creates a vacuum, for complete casting vacuum must be able to draw additional
metal from adjacent source.
Penalty: shrinkage
porosity and/or suck-back porosity.
5th law of casting
ü Do
not cast a button if a connector bar or another internal reservoir is used:
With indirect spruing
the largest mass of metal should be the reservoir
A button can draw
available molten alloy from the bar, shift the heat centre and reduce the feed
of the metal to the restorations
Wax patterns should not
be larger than the connector bar
Weigh the sprued
patterns and use the wax pattern-alloy conversion chart
Penalty: shrinkage porosity and suck
back porosity (potential distortion during porcelain firing).
6th law of casting
ü Turbulance
must be minimized, if not totally eliminated
Eliminate sharp turns,
restrictions, points or impingements that might create turbulance and occlude
air in the casting
Restrictions or
constrictions can accelerate the metals flow and abrade the mold surface (mold
Penalty- voids and /or
surface pitting
7th law of casting
ü Select
a casting ring of sufficient length and diameter to accommodate the patterns to
be invested
The casting ring should
permit the patterns to be ¼ inch apart and ¼ inch from the top of investment
and 3/8 inch of investment between pattern and ring liner
Penalty- mold fracture,
casting fins and shrinkage porosity
8th law of casting
ü Increase
the wettability of wax pattern
Wetting agent should be
brushed or stained on the patterns and dried before investing
Too much wetting can
weaken the investment and produce bubbles or fins on the casting
Penalty- bubbles (due
to air entrapment)
9th law of casting
ü Weigh
any bulk investment and measure the investment liquid for precise powder liquid
A thick mix of
investment increases investment expansion and produces loose fitting castings
Thinner mix yields less
expansion with tighter fitting castings
Penalty- ill fitting
10th law of casting
ü Eliminate
the incorporation ofair in the casting investment and remove the ammonia gas by
–product of phosphate bonded investments by mixing under vacuums
Vacuum mixing removes
air and gas providing an uniform mix without large voids
Entrapped air can
affect the expansion at various sites of the investment
Penalty- small nodules,
week mold and distortion of the casting
11th law of casting
ü Allow
the casting investment to set completely before initiating the burn out
The mold may not
withstand steam expansion during burnout if the mold is not set
Advise to wait till the
recommended setting time by the manufacturer
Penalty- mold cracking/
blowout or fins on the casting
12th law of casting
ü Use
a wax elimination technique that is specific for the type of patterns involved
and recommended for the particular type of casting alloy selected
Plastic sprues should
be heated slowly, so they can soften gradually and not exert pressure, so use a
two stage burnout
Recommended atleast a
30 min heat soaking at 800F for the first burnout
Penalty- cold shuts,
short margins, cold welds, mold cracks and/or casting fins
13th law of casting
ü Adequate
heat must be available to properly melt and cast the alloy
Selected heat source
should be capable of melting the alloy to the point of sufficient fluidity
Too much heat or high
temperature can burn off minor alloying elements and /or oxidation (burned
Penalty- cold shuts,
short margins and cold welds (too little heat) or rough castings and investment
breakdown (too much heat)
14th law of casting
ü When
torch casting, use the ‘reducing zone’ of the to melt the alloy and not the
oxidizing zone
Melt achieved by the
exclusive use of reducing zone minimizes the likelihood of metal oxidation and
gas absorption and ensures the proper melt
Penalty- gas porosity
and/ or a change of alloys quotient of thermal expansion
15th law of casting
ü Provide
enough force to cause the liquid alloy to flow into the heated mold
Low density metal
generally needs four winds of a centrifugal casting arm as compared to higher
density, gold based alloys
Do not over wind
Penalty- cold shuts,
short margins, cold welds (insufficient force), or mold fracture and fins (too
much force)
16th law of casting
ü Cast
towards the margins of wax patterns
Place the heated ring
in the casting cradle using the orientation dot, so the pattern margins face
the trailing edge
Penalty- cold shuts,
short margins and otherwise incomplete castings
17th law of casting
ü Do
not quench the ring immediately after
Uneven cooling and
shrinkage between alloy and investment can apply tensile forces to the casting
It can reduce strength
Penalty- hot tears
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