Recent advances in Dental materials
The overriding goal of dentistry is to
maintain or improve the life of the dental patient. The goal can be
accomplished by preventing disease, relieving pain, improving masticatory
efficiency, enhancing speech and improving appearance. The main challenges for
centuries have been the development and selection of biocompatible, long
lasting, direct filling tooth restoratives and indirectly processed prosthetic
materials that can withstand the adverse conditions of the oral environment.
Dental materials may be
classified as
preventive materials
restorative materials
auxiliary materials
Preventive materials include
Pit and
fissure sealants
Sealing agents
that prevent leakage
Liners and
Restorative materials:
Ø Restorative materials can
be classified as direct restorative materials and indirect restorative
Ø Direct restorative
materials indicated to use intra orally to fabricate restorations or prosthetic
devices directly on the tissues.
Ø Indirect restorative
materials which are to use extra orally in which the materials are formed indirectly
on casts or other replicas of the teeth and other tissues.
Auxiliary dental materials are substances that are used in the process of fabricating
dental prosthesis and appliances but do not become part of these devices.
Eg: etching
materials, impression materials, casting materials, dental waxes, acrylic
resins, gypsum cast and model materials, finishing and polishing abrasives.
Historical use of restorative materials:
§ Dentistry as a speciality
is believed to have begun about 3000 B.C Gold bands and wires were used by the
Phoenicians (After 2500 B.C).
§ Around 700B.C The
Etruscans carved ivory or bone for the construction of partial denture teeth
that were fastened to natural teeth by means of gold wires and bands. The gold
bands were used to position the extracted teeth in the place of missing teeth.
§ Around 600 A.D The Mayans
used implants consisting of sea shell segments that were placed in anterior
teeth sockets.
§ The Incas performed tooth
mutilations using hammered gold but the material was not placed for decorative
§ Fauchard (1678-1761) the father of
modern dentistry used tin foil and lead cylinders for filling the tooth
§ Gold shell crowns were
described by Monton in 1746.
§ In 1756 Phlipp
Pfaff of Germany
described a method for making impressions of the mouth in wax from which he
constructed a model with plaster of Paris.
§ In 1774 Duchateau
a French
pharmacist designed a process for producing hard, decay proof porcelain
§ In 1808 Fonzi
an Italian
dentist developed an individual porcelain tooth form that was held in place
with an embedded platinum pin.
§ Planteau, a French dentist first
introduced porcelain teeth in 1817.
§ Ash further developed an
improved porcelain tooth in England around 1837.
§ In 1839 Charles
Goodyear has
invented vulcanized rubber denture bases, and in 1935 polymerized acrylic resin
was introduced as a denture base material to support the artificial teeth.
§ In 1907 Taggert
developed a
more refined method for producing cast inlays.
§ Mason developed a
detachable facing to a crown to hold an artificial tooth.
In prosthetic
dentistry auxiliary materials play a major role in fabrication of removable and
fixed prostheses.
materials can be classified according to the mode through which the ingredients
react (set or harden) to solids, their mechanical properties, and their uses.
Based on setting mechanism
Materials set by irreversible reaction eg: alginate, zinc
oxide eugenol impression paste, impression plaster, and elastomeric impression
Materials set by reversible reaction eg: agar hydrocolloid,
and impression compound.
Based on the mechanical properties:
Rigid material eg: ZOE impression paste, impression plaster
and impression compound
Elastic materials eg: non aqeous elastomers, hydrocolloid
impression materials.
Based on the uses;
preliminary impressions
impression compound (if patient doesn’t have undercuts)
alginates (if patient have undercuts)
For final
Impression plaster, ZOE impression paste, elastomeric
impression materials, alginate hydrocolloids, mouth temperature waxes, soft
acrylic resins.
Based on their use in dentistry
For edentulous: for C.D eg; impression compound, ZOE paste,
alginate, elastomers.
For dentulous: for both FPD and RPD eg; agar hydrocolloid,
alginate and elastomers
Based on amount of pressure applied
muco compressive eg; impression compound
mucostatic eg: impression plaster
selective pressure eg: ZOE IMPRESSION PASTE
Based on the manipulation
Kneading eg:Imression compound and putty consistency
Circular motion eg: ZOE impression paste and Polysulphides.
Based on tray used for impression
Special trays or custom made trays eg; ZOE impression paste,
elastomeric impression materials.
Stock trays ; rim
lock- alginate; water cooled- agar hydro colloid
Desirable properties of
the impression materials:
A pleasant odor, taste, and acceptable color
Absence of toxic and irritant constituents
Adequate shelf life for requirements of storage and distribution.
Economically commensurate with the results obtained.
Easy to use with the minimum of equipment.
Setting characteristics that meet clinical requirements.
Satisfactory consistency and texture.
Readily wet oral tissues
Elastic properties with freedom from permanent deformation
after strain.
Adequate strength so it will not break or tear or removal
from the mouth.
Compatibility with cast and die materials
Accuracy in clinical use.
No release of gas or other by products during the setting of
the impression or cast and die materials.
Agar hydrocolloids:
Agar- 13-17%
is an organic hydrophlilic colloid (polysaccharide) extracted from certain
types of sea weed.
0.2-0.5% strengthens the gel
Sulfates- 1-2%
earth, clay, silica, wax, rubber can be used as fillers
bactericidal agent
Ø The hydrocolloid is
usually supplied in two forms syringe material and tray material.
Ø The manipulation includes
liquefying the gel, placing it in the impression tray, tempering it to a lower
temperature that the patient can tolerate and maintaining it in its fluid state
to capture the details of the oral structures.
Ø The equipment includes 3
compartments for liquefying the material, storing after boiling and tempering the tray hydrocolloid.
Making the impression
in conventional technique:
Ø The syringe material is
taken directly from the storage compartment and applied to the prepared teeth.
Ø Then the tray material is
tempered and the tray is filled and immediately brought in to position and
seated with light pressure and held with a very light force.
Ø Gelation is accelerated by
circulating cool water (appx18-21 degree c) through the tray for 3-5 min.
Recent techniques:
A recent modification of the conventional procedure is the
combined agar alginate technique. The hydrocolloid in the tray is replaced with
a mix of chilled alginate that bonds with the agar expressed from a syringe.
The alginate gels by a chemical reaction whereas the agar
gels by means of contact with cool alginate rather than with the water
circulating through the tray. Since the agar not the alginate is in contact
with the prepared teeth maximum detail is reproduced.
syringe agar records tissues more accurately
Water cooled tray is not required
Sets faster.
Agar – alginate bond failure can occur
Viscous alginate may displace agar
Technique sensitive
field technique:
This is a recent technique
The oral tissues are flooded with warm water. The syringe
material is then injected in to the surface to be recorded.
Before syringe material gels tray material is seated.
The hydraulic pressure of the viscous tray material forces
the fluid syringe material down in to the areas to be recorded.
The motion displaces the syringe material as well as blood
and debris through out the sulcus.
The word alginate comes from the term algin. The term was coined by a
scotttish chemist S.Williams received the first patent
to use alginate as an impression material. It is a mucous extract obtained from
certain brown sea weed. The substance is called anhydro-beta –d-manuronic acid or alginic acid.
Ø Potassium alginate 18%- to
dissolve in water and react with calcium ions
Ø Calcium sulfate dehydrate
14% - to react with potassium alginate to form an insoluble calcium alginate
Ø Potassium sulfate,
potassium, zinc flouride, silicates or borates 10% - to counteract the
inhibiting effect of the hydrocolloid on the setting of gypsum, giving a high
quality surface to the die.
Ø Sodium phosphate 2% - to
react preferentially with calcium ions to provide working time before gelation.
Ø Diatomaceous earth or
silicate powder – 56% to control the consistency of the mixed alginate and the
flexibility of the set impression.
Ø Organic glycols in small
amounts to make powder dustless.
Ø Winter green, peppermint, pigments
in traces to present a pleasant taste.
Ø Pigments in traces to
produce colour.
Ø Disinfectants like quarternary
ammonium salts and chlorhexidine 1-2% to help in the disinfection of various
Recent developments:
1. Dustfree alginates:
Inhaling fine airborne particles from alginate impression
material can cause silicosis and pulmonary hypersensitivity.
Dustless alginates were introduced which give off or no dust
particles so avoiding dust inhalation. This can be achieved by coating the
material with glycerine or glycol. This causes the powder to become more denser
than in uncoated state.
2. Siliconised alginates:
It is a two component system in the form of two pastes, one
containing the alginate sol and the second containing the calcium reactor.
The components incorporate a silicone polymer component which
makes material tear resistant compared to unmodified alginates. However the
dimensional stability is reported to be poor.
3. Low dust alginate impression
Ø Introduced by Schunichi, Nobutakwatanate in
Ø This composition comprises
an alginate a gelation regulator and a filler as major components which further
comprises sepiolite and a tetraflouroethylene resin having a true specific
gravity of from 2-3.
Ø The material generates
less dust, has a mean particle size of 1-40microns.
4. Antiseptic alginate impression
Ø Introduced by Tameyuki Yamamoto, Maso Abinu patented in 1990.
Ø An antiseptic containing
alginate impression material contains 0.01 to 7 parts by weight of an
antiseptic such as glutaraldehyde and chlohexidine gluconate per 100 parts by
weight of a cured product of an alginate impression material.
Ø The antiseptic may be
encapsulated in a microcapsule or clathrated in a cyclodextrin.
5. CAVEX Color change:
Ø The alginate impression
material with color indications avoiding confusion about setting time.
Ø Color changes are
visualizing the major decision points in impression making
Ø end of mixing time
Ø end of setting time ( tray
can be removed from mouth)
Ø it indicates two color
Ø Violet to pink indicates
the end of mixing time.
Ø Pink to white indicates
end of setting time.
Ø Other advantages of this
material are
Ø -improved dimensional
stability (upto 5 days)
Ø Good tear and deformation
Ø Dust free
Ø Smooth surface, optimum
gypsum compatibility.
Ø Elastomers refer to a
group of rubbery polymers which are either chemically or physically cross
Ø Chemically there are four
kinds of elastomers used as impression materials.
Ø -poly sulfide ; introduced
in 1950
condensation silicones ; introduced in 1955
Ø -addition silicones ;
introduced in 1965
Ø -poly ethers ; introduced
in 1975
impression materials are typically supplied in several consistencies
- low (syringe or wash)
- medium (regular)
- high (tray)
silicones are available in these three viscosities plus
--extra low
and putty (extra high)
silicones are usually supplied in
Poly ethers
were available in
Mixing systems
Three types of
mixing systems are available to mix catalyst and base
--hand mixing
--Static auto
mechanical mixing
Hand mixing:
Ø Equal lengths of catalyst
and bases are dispensed on a paper pad, initial mixing is accomplished with a
circular motion and final mixing to produce a mix free from streaks.
Automixing systems:
The base and the catalyst are in separate cylinders of the
plastic catridge.
The plastic catridge is placed in a mixing gun containing two
plungers that are advanced by a ratchet mechanism to extrude equal quantities
of base and catalyst.
The base and catalyst are forced from the static mixing tip
containing plastic internal spiral, the two components are folded over each
other resulting in a uniform mix at the tip end.
Dynamic mechanical mixer:
It’s the newest system the catalyst and base are supplied in
large plastic bags housed in a catridge, which is inserted in to the top of the
mixing machine.
A new plastic mixing tip is placed on the front of the
machine and when the button is depressed parallel plungers push against the
collapsible plastic bags, thereby opening the bags and forcing the material in
to the dynamic mixing tip.
The mixing tip has rotating internal spiral accomplishes
rotation plus forward motion of the material through the spiral.
In this manner thorough mixing can be ensured and high
viscosity material can be mixed with ease.
The equipment
is expensive
There is
slightly more material retained in the mixing tip.
Composition and reactions:
Ø They are supplied in tubes
of base paste and catalyst paste.
Ø They are available in low
, medium and high viscosities
Base paste:
Poly sulfide
polymer- 80-85%
Zinc oxide,
copper carbonate or silica- 16-18%
Accelerator paste:
Lead dioxide –
Dibutyl or
dioctyl – 17%
Sulfur – 1-4%
substances such as magnesium stearate and deodorants – 2%
The lead dioxide catalyzes the condensation of the terminal
and pendant –SH with –SH groups on other molecules, resulting in chain
lengthening and cross linking. In the process the material changes from a paste
to a rubber.
This reaction is accelerated by increase in temperature and
by the presence of moisture.
Water is the byproduct in this condensation reaction.
These materials are mixed on a mixing pad with a spatula
Adequate mixing time is 45-60sec; the working time is about
They stain clothing permanently, they can be electroplated, and
some products can be silver plated.
Polysulfides must be poured within 1hour and cannot be
Polysulfide impression materials are low to moderately
hydrophilic and make an accurate impression in the presence of saliva or blood.
Because the material has a low wetting angle it makes impressions more easily
than poly ether and poly vinyl siloxanes.
Poly ether impression material:
Ø It was introduced in Germany in the
late 1960’s.
Ø Available as two paste
system and available in different viscosities light, medium, heavy bodies and
putty consistencies.
Commercial names;
Impregum(F), Permadyne.
Base paste;
Imine terminated polymer (polyether) – crosslinks to form the
set material
A colloidal silica as the filler gives bulk
Glycol ether or phthalate acts as a plasticizer.
Ø Alkyl aromatic sulfonate –
initiates cross linkage.
Ø Colloidal silica as a
filler – to form the paste
Ø Plasticizers such as
glycoether or phthalate.
Setting reaction:
When the base paste is mixed with the catalyst paste ionic
polymerization occurs by ring opening of the ethylene – imine group and chain
It sets by additional polymerization and no byproduct is
Cross linking occurs by cationic polymerization via the imine
end groups
The set material is hydrophilic. It can absorb water and
swell resulting in dimensional change
Setting time – 8.3min
Mixing time -30sec
Improved polyether formulations such as “soft” polyethers are
easier to remove, maintain proper rigidity for a wide range of applications nad
capture fine details even in moist conditions.
This material taste bitter, currently it’s flavoured to offset
the taste.
Condensation silicones:
It was the first type of silicone impression material
These materials are available two paste or
paste-liquid-catalyst systems or putty in jars.
Multi phase materials available in different viscosities
Monophase- available in a single viscosity.
Base paste;
Ø Poly dimethyl siloxane
Ø Colloidal silica or
microsized metal oxide filler
- Putty viscosity- 60-70%
- Medium viscosity – 35-75%
- Low viscosity – 5-15%
Color pigments
Accelerator paste:
Ø Alkyl silicate such as
orthoethyl silicate – cross linking agent
Ø Stannous octoate –
Ø Inert filler
Ø Setting reaction:

It’s a condensation reaction
Cross linkage occurs between orthoethyl silicate and the
terminal hydroxyl groups of dimethyl siloxane.
Ethyl alcohol forms as a byproduct which results in
Setting time 8-9 min, mixing time- 45 sec.
The setting occurs at room temperature and so called as (room
temperature vulcanization) RTV silicones.
They are ideal for single unit inlays.
Electroplating is possible. Because of the high
polymerization shrinkage the cast or die must be poured as soon as possible.
Addition silicones (poly vinyl
They were
introduced in 1975.
They were available
Two paste systems
Putty in jars
Multiple materials available in different viscosities
Monophase – available in a single viscosiy.
Commercial names:
Multi phase
materials – Reprosil, Provil, President
materials – Imprint, Blue mouse
Base paste:
Poly (methyl hydrogen siloxane)
Other siloxane prepolymers
Fillers to give bulk and viscosity
Accelerator paste:
Divinyl poly siloxane
Inert oils and fillers
– forms the bulk of the paste
Palladium salt – catalyst (chlorplatinic acid)
Palladium or hydrogen absorber
siloxane Pt salt

It’s an addition polymerization reaction.
The vinyl groups of the base paste reacts with the silane
groups of the accelerator paste and cross linking occurs.
There is no production of by product.
If the pastes are in improper proportion, hydrogen gas may be
liberated during the setting mechanism.
Palladium is added to absorb hydrogen to prevent dimensional
Latex gloves have been shown to adversely affect the setting
reaction of addition silicones.
Sulfur compounds that are used in vulcanization of latex
rubber gloves can migrate to the surface of stored gloves.
These compounds can be transferred on to the prepared teeth
and adjacent soft tissues during tooth preparation.
These compounds can position the platinum containing catalyst
which reacts in retarded or no polymerization in the contaminated area of the impression.
Vinyl and nitrile gloves donot have such an effect.
Residual monomer in acrylic resin provisional restorations
and resin composite cores has a similar inhibiting effect on the set of
addition silicone materials.
Recent advancements:
Surfactants have been added to addition silicones by
manufacturers to reduce the contact angles, improve wettability, and simply
pouring of gypsum models, known as hydrophilized addition silicones.
The hydrophilization of addition silicones is gained with the
incorporation of non ionic surfactants as micelles. The molecules consist of a
hydrophilized part and a silicone compatible hydrophilic part.
The mode of action of these surfactants is thought to be a
diffusion controlled transfer of surfactant molecules from the poly vinyl
siloxane in to the aqeous phase. In this manner the surface tension of the
surrounding liquid is altered.
This increased wettability allows the addition silicones to
spread more freely along the surface. (ref: Craig pg298.)
Miller and coworkers reported a
significant reduction in the number of voids and an overall increased quality
of polyvinyl siloxane impression when a modified polydimethyl siloxane wetting
agent (extrinsic surfactant) was applied
to the prepared tooth surface before impressions made.
Recently radiofrequency glow discharge has been advocated for
use as a didinifecting procedure for polyvinyl siloxane impressions. Whilst
this procedure is claimed to clean and improve the wettability of the
impression surface, it’s not clear if glow discharging results in
Polyvinylsiloxane impression materials: An update in clinical use, Australian
dental journal, 1998, 43(6),428-434)
Monophase impression
Impression materials are available as single viscosity pastes
called monophase materials.
These materials can be used as both light bodied and heavy
bodied materials.
The amount of pressure given during mixing determines the
viscosity. The greater the shear the thinner the viscosity.
If more pressure is used it can be used as a lightbodied
material if less pressure is used it acts as a heavy bodied material.
Visible light cured
polyether urethane:
composition of the resin matrix is similar to that of light cured composites.
materials are available as
-light bodied
- heavy bodied
-polyether urethane
- diketone – photo initiator
- Transparent silica – filler
The undercuts should be blocked out before making the
impression. Transparent stock trays are available.
The light bodied material is syringed and the heavy body
material is placed above it.
Blue light is used for curing. The exposure should be done
from the posterior to anterior region. Each region should get an exposure of
After removal the impression can be filled and re exposed to
Long working time, but short setting time.
Impressions can be corrected.
Dimensional stability, flow, detail reproduction.
Requires special equipment
The effect of
disinfection and a wetting agent on the wettability of addition silicone
impression materials
Paul J.Milward et al. had conducted a
study on the effect of disinfection procedure and the use of surface wetting
agent on the wettability of 4 addition polymerized silicone impression
They use testing specimens made from 4 addition silicone
materials (light bodied president, light bodied Extrude, medium bodied Extrude,
and Aquasil)
Two disinfection solutions (actichlor and perform) were used.
They concluded that application of an external disinfectant
actichlor is recommended in preference to Perform the wettability of materials.
Treatment with a surface wetting agent after disinfection is recommended to
obtain accurate and void free casts and dies.
(Ref: JPD 2001, 86,165-7)
A dental
cement used to attain indirect restorations to prepared teeth is called a
luting agent . Luting agents may be definitive or provisional depending on
their physical properties and the planned longevity of the restoration.
It must not harm the tooth or tissues.
It must allow sufficient working time to place the
It must be fluid enough to allow complete seating of the
It must not dissolve or wash out and must maintain a sealed
intact restoration.
It must quickly form a hard mass strong enough to resist
functional forces.
It must not dissolve or wash out and must maintain a sealed
intact restoration.
Ø Craig’s
based on the chief ingredients eg: zinc phosphate, zinc silicophosphate, zinc
oxide eugenol, zinc polyacrylate, glass ionomer, and resin.
Ø O’Brien classified dental cements
by matrix and bond type (eg: phosphate, phenolate, poly carboxylate, resin,
resin modified glass ionomer)
Ø Donovan classified cements into
conventional (eg:zinc phosphate,polycarboxylate, glass ionomer) and
contemporary (eg:resin modified glass ionomer, resin )
Contemporary definitive luting
Resin modified glass
ionomer (RMGI):
Introduced in 1980’s.
In the original glass ionomer
cement, part of the water component of glass poly alkenoate cement was
replaced with a water hydroxyl methyl methacrylate (HMMA) mixture plus an
initiator/ activator for the added resins.
Resin modified glass ionomer is a dual cure hybrid, because
setting occurs by a combination of the long term, complex acid- base reaction
typical of glass ionomer cement and chemical or light iniated polymerization of
the added resin.
The acid base reaction continues to develop a polysalt
hydrogel matrix which hardens and strengthens the existing polymer matrix.
The compomers , also known as polyacid- modified composite
resins appeared in the late 1990’s, and were described as being a combination
of composite resin (comp) and glass ionomer (omer), offering the advantages of
Compomers are anhydrous resins that contain ion leachable
glass as part of the filler and dehydrated poly alkenoic acid.
The physical behaviour of the compomers is more like
composite resins than glass ionomer, with higher compressive and flexural
strength than RMGI, but inferior to unmodified composite.
Tooth addition is very little, fluoride release is very
limited and it’s less than that of conventional glass ionomer .
Resin cements are methyl- methacrylate, Bis- GMA
dimethacrylate or Urethane dimethacrylate based with fillers of colloidal
silica or barium glass 20-80% by wt.
They are available as powder/liquid, encapsulated or
paste/paste systems and may be auto, dual or light cured to form the polymer
Resin bonding to enamel is by mechanical interlocking into an
acid etched surface. Bonding to dentin is also micromechanical but is more
complex usually requiring multiple steps
that include removal of the smear layer and surface demineralization, then
application of unfilled resin bonding agent or primer to which the resin
commercially bonds.
Non eugenol provisional cement is recommended for provisional
restorations, when resin will be used for definitive restoration. Since the
residual eugenol from provisional cement can interfere with the setting
reaction of the bonding agent.
Many new resin luting systems have recently appeared that
reduce luting procedures by including the use of a self etch primer built in.
eg:Unichem by 3M ESPE,Maxcem by Kerr
Orange ,California.
Light cured resin cements are cured more completely after
initial placement. Where as auto and dual cured resins slowly gain strength.
Resin cements chemically bond to etched silane treated
prcelainit has been postulated that resin cement bonded to considered tooth on
oneside and etched /silane coated porcelain on the other helps diffuse stresses
across the tooth.
Compressive and tensile strength, toughness and resilience of
resin cement equal or exceed those of other luting agents.
The resin luting cement offers no fluoride release or uptake,
film thickness maybe relatively high, removal of restoration may require total
They are more technique sensitive and expensive.
Adhesive resin:
In the early 1980’s conventional Bis GMA resin cement was
modified by adding a phosphate ester to monomer component to improve the degree
of chemical bonding as well as micromechanical bonding to tooth structure and
base metal alloys.
Eg; Panavia – contained the bifunctional adhesive monomer 10-
methacryloyloxy deci dihydrogen phosphate (MDP) and was a powder/ liquid
In 1994, Panavia was modified to include a dentin/enamel
primer containing hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), N-methanyloyl 5- aminosalicylic
acid and MDP intended to improve bond strength to dentin.
Eg;Panavia 21, marketed as a two paste system offered 3
shades, tooth colored 9T.C, translucent), white (EX,semitranslucent) and opaque
The current product Panavia F is a two paste system that is
dual cured , self etching and self adhesive plus fluoride releasing.
C&B metabond – modified Bis GMA composite by decreasing
filler and adding 3% 2 hydroxy-3b – naphthoxypropyl methacrylate in methyl
methacrylate with 4- methacryloyloxy ethyl trimellitate anhydride (4-META) and
tri-n-butyl borane.
It’s a powder liquid autocuring system and may be used for
resin bonded prostheses.
(Ref: DCNA,
July 2007, vol51, No.3)
Development of a novel comonomer free
light cured glass ionomer cement for reduced cytotoxicity and enhanced
mechanical strength (Ref: Journal of Dental materials 23(2007), 994-1003).
Ø Dong
xie, Youfun yang et al had developed a novel comonomer free light cured glass ionomer
system based on 4 arm star shape poly acrylic acid.
Ø The mechanical strengths
and invitro cytotoxicity of the formed system were evaluated and compared with
those of several representative commercial glass ionomer cements.
Ø The 4- arm poly (acrylic
acid) was synthesized using ATRP and tethered with glycidyl methacrylate (GM).
The GM tethered polymer was formulated with water, photoinitiators and fujiII,
fuji II LC and vitremer were used for comparision. Compressive strength (CS)
and MTT assay were used as tools to evaluate the mechanical strengths and
invitro cyto toxicity of the cements respectively.
Ø They concluded that this
novel comonomer free light cured glass ionomer cement has significantly
improved mechanical strength, and no invitro cytotoxicity observed.
CEM Automix;
GC America announces Fuji CEM Automix , the first automix
delivery system available ina resin
modified glass ionomer.
Fuji CEM Automix requires no hand mixing and dispences
a consistent mixing ratio directly into the restoration.
Cavity liner:
Calcium hydroxide:commonly
employed as adirect or indirect pulp capping agent.
Ø Two paste system employed
as a direct or indirect pulp capping agent.
Available as
Ø Twp paste systems
containing base and catalyst pastes in collapsible tubes
Ø Light cured systems
Ø Powder and liquid
Ø Single paste system
Commercial names:
CRCS (calciobiotic canal sealer):
It’s essentially a zinc oxide eugenol sealer to which calcium
hydroxide has been added for its osteogenic effect.
manufacturing company):
The base is zinc oxide with calcium hydroxide as aell as
butyl benzene sulfonamide and zinc stearate.
Calasept (by scania dental AB, Sweden ): it contains calcium
hydroxide + potassium chloride + sodium chloride+ calcium chloride+ sodium bi
carbonate + distilled water
Calen; it contains calcium
hydroxide + zinc oxide + colophony + poly ethylene glycol.
The word
ceramics is derived from the greek word Keramos meaning pottery or burnt
stuff. Ceramics is an inorganic compound with non metallic properties typically
composed of metallic or semi metallic and non-metallic elements (eg. Al2O3 CaO
and Si3N4).
An inorganic
compound with nonmetallic properties typically consisting of oxygen and one or
more metallic or semimetallic elements (eg: aluminium, calcium, lithium, magnecium,
potassium, silicon, sodium, tin, titanium and zirconium) that is formulated to
produce the whole or part of a ceramic based dental prosthesis.
Def: an inorganic compound with non metallic
properties typically composed of metallic (or semi metallic0 and non metallic
elements (eg:Al2O3, and Si3N4)
Ceramics can be classified
in one of four categories
Ø silicate ceramics
Ø oxide ceramics
Ø non oxide ceramics
Ø glass ceramics
Dental ceramics fall in
category of silicate ceramics, which are characterized by an amorphous glass
phase with a porous nature.
Ø The porcelain tooth
material was patented in 1789 by French dentist de Chemant
collaboration with a French pharmacist Duchateau.
Ø In 1808,
Fonzi an
Italian dentist invented a terrometallic porcelain tooth that was held in place
by a platinum pin or frame.
Ø Planteau, a French dentist
introduced porcelain teeth to united
states in 1817 and Peale an artist.
Ø Ash developed an improved
version of the porcelain tooth in 1837.
Ø Dr
Charles land
introduced one of the first ceramic crowns to dentistry in 1903.
Ø The first commercial porcelain
was developed by Vita Zahnfabrik in about 1963.
Ø A significant improvement
in the fracture resistance of porcelain crowns was reported by Mclean and Hughes in 1965 when a dental
aluminous core ceramic consisting of a glass matrix containing between 40 and
50 wt % Al2O3 was used.
Ø Improvements in all
ceramic systems developed by controlled crystallization of a glass (dicor) was
demonstrated by Adan and Grossman (1984)
Ø This glass was melted and
cast in to a refractory mold and subsequently crystallized to form the dicor
glass ceramic that contained tetrasilicic flouramina crystals in a glass
Ø Pressable glass ceramic
(IPS Empress) was introduced in early 1990’s, containing 34% vol. of leucite. A
more fracture resistant, pressable glass ceramic (IPS Empress 2) containing
appx. 70% vol. of Lithia disilicate crystals was introduced in the late 1990’s.
Dental ceramics can be
classified based in many factors.
1. Based on chemical composition
a)Silicate ceramics:
Silicate ceramics have
oxides of silicon and other atoms of aluminium, potassium, magnecium
calcium eg:potash felds, sodium
b).Non silicate ceramics:
Without silica the other
ingredients being the same eg: alumina (Al2O3), Spinell (MgO, Al2O3)
c).Non oxide ceramics:
This includes silicon
carbide, tungsten carbide or graphite.
2. Based on crystalline nature:
Ø Crystalline ceramics;
eg:feldspathic porcelain contains leucite (crystal phase)
Ø Non crystalline ceramics
3. Based on fusion
High fusing- 1300degree C
Medium fusing – 1101 – 1300 degree C
Low fusing 850- 1100 degree C
Ultra low fusing less
than 850 degree C
The medium
fusing and high fusing types are used for production of denture teeth.
The low fusing
and ultra low fusing porcelains are used for crown and bridge construction.
4. Based on type:
Feldspathic porcelain
Aluminous porcelain
Glass infiltered alumina
Glass infiltred spinell
Castable glass ceramic
Injection molded glass ceramics (IPS Impress: Optec)
Leucite reinforced porcelain.
5. Based on the method of
Pressure moldingband sintering
Condesnsation and sintering
Casting and ceramming
Slip casting
Sintering and glass infiltration
Milling by computer control
Copy milling
6. Based on application
Core porcelain
Opaque porcelain
Dentine or body porcelain
Enamel porcelain
7. Based on sub structural
Cast metal poecelain
Swaged metal porcelain
Glass ceramic
CAD-CAM porcelain
Sintredceramic core
8. Based on use
Denture teeth
Metal ceramicsveneer, inlays, onlays , crowns
Fixed partial denture
9. Based on firing
Air fired porcelain
vaccum fired porcelain
Diffusible gas firing
10. Classification based on recent types of ceramics
castable glass ceramics eg: Inceram,
alumina, Inceram, spinell
pressable ceramics EG: Optec HSP, IPS empress
CAD – CAM ceramics eg: cere
vitablock markI, vitablock mark II
Injection molded ceramics eg: Optec HSP
EG Inceram, alumina, Inceram, Spinell, Dicor and Dicor MGC
Castable ceramic systems are used to cast crowns by the lost
wax process.
Indicated in cases of single anterior and posterior crowns.
Tooth preparation is either90 degree shoulder with a rounded
internal line angle or 120 degree chamfer with adequate tooth reduction from
1mm. Minimum on gingivo axial aurfaces to 1.5-2 mm incisally and occlusally.
The restoration is waxed on to the die and the wax pattern of
the crown is invested in a phosphate bonded investment.
An ingot of the ceramic material is placed in a special
crucible and melted and cast with a motor driven centrifugal casting machine at
1380 degree C.
Ease of fabrication
Improved esthetics
Minimal processing shrinkage
Good marginal fit
Low thermal expansion, near to the enamel
Minimal abrasiveness to tooth enamel
Limited use in low stress areas
Inability to colour internally
Low tensile strength.
Hot pressing:
Eg: IPS Empress, IPS
Empress 2, IPS e max press, OPC
Pressure molding is used to make small intricate objects. This
method used a piston to force a heated ceramic ingot through a heated tube in
to a molod, where the ceramic form cools and hardens to the shape of the mold.
IPS Empress is a glass ceramic provided as core ingots that
are heated and pressed until ingot flows in to a mold. It contains a higher
conc. Of leucite crystals that increase the resistance to crack propagation
Machinable ceramics:
Computer aided design /
computer aided manufacturing:the evolution of CAD –CAM
systems for the production of machined inlays, onlays and crowns led to the
development of a generation of machinable porcelains.
There are two popular
systems available for machining all ceramic restorations
CEREC System (siemens, Bensheim,
Celay system (Mikrona technologies, Switzerland)
CEREC System:
CEREC is a dental restoration
product that allows a dental practitioner to produce an indirect ceramic dental
restoration using a variety of computer assisted technologies including 3D
photography and CAD/CAM.
The cavity preparation is first photographed and stored as a
three dimensional digital model and proprietary software is then used to
approximate the restoration shape using biogenic comparisions to surrounding
When the model is complete a milling machine carves the
actual restoration out of a ceramic block using Diamond Head cutters under computer
CEREC is an acronym for chairside economical restoration of
esthetic ceramics.
It was introduced by Werner H.Mormann (1980) at the University of Zurich.
The first chair side CEREC introduced in 1985.
In 1994 CEREC -2 was introduced.
In 2000 CEREC -3 was introduced.
In 2003 , 3D soft ware version is released, allowing users to
see 3D views of teeth and models
In 2008, Sirona release the MCXL milling unit, this milling
unit can produce a crown in 4 minutes.
introduced in 1985
chief indications are single and dual surface inlays and the
material is vitablocs markII
The concept of grinding inlay bodies externally with a
grinding wheel along the mesiodistal axis suggested itself.
In this arrangement we could turn the ceramic block on the
block carrier with a spindle and feed it against the grinding wheel which
ground from the full ceramic and new contour with a different distance from the
inlay axis at each feed step.
introduced in 1994
Additional cylinder diamond enabling the firm grinding of
partial and full crowns.
An upgraded 3D camera was provided.
§ Skipped the wheel and
introduced the two bur system.
§ It’s a compact windows
based CAD- CAM system.
§ In 2006 a step bur was
introduced, reduced the diameter of the top one third of the cylinder bur to a
small diameter tip enabling high precision form grinding with reasonable bur
§ The three dimensional
virtual display of the preparation of the antagonist and of the functional
registration became available with the introduction of the three dimensional
version of the soft ware in 2003.
§ The current CEREC – 3
System can fabricate inlays, onlays and posterior crowns as well as anterior
crowns and veneers.
§ Two materials can be used
with this system:
§ Vita mark II (VIDENT, BALDWIN PARK ca)
§ Dicor MGC (Dentsply international, York, PA)
§ Vita mark IIcontains
sanidine (KAl Si3O8) as a major crystalline phase within a glassy matrix.
§ Dicor MGC is a machinable
glass ceramic similar to Dicor, with the exception that the materials cast and
cerammed by the manufacturer.
Celay system:
§ The celay system (Mikrona
technologie, spreitenbach, Switzerland)
uses a copy milling technique to manufacture ceramic inlays or onlays from
resin analogs.
§ The Celay system is a
mechanical device based on pantographic tracing of a resin inlay or onlay
fabricated directly on to the prepared tooth or on to the master die (Eidenbenze
§ One ceramic system
material available for use with the celay system is vita – celay (vident, Baldwin park, CA).
this material contains sanidine as the major crystalline phase within a glassy
§ Recently, n-ceram
presintered slip cast alumina blocks (vident, Baldwin park, CA) have been machined with the celay copy
milling system used to generate coping for crowns and fixed partial dentures.
§ (mclare and Sorensen)
Review of new materials:
Sintered porcelains:
Alumina based ceramics:
§ Aluminous core porcelain
is a typical example of strengthening by dispersion of a crystalline phase (mclean and kedge, 1987). Alumina has a high modulus of
elasticity (350 GPa) and high toughness (3.5-4Mpa).
§ Its dispersion in a glassy
matrix of similar thermal expansion coefficient leads to significant
strengthening of the core. Hiceram is a more recent development in this system.
Magnesia based core porcelain:
§ Magnesia core ceramic wad
developed as an experimental material in 1985 (O’Brien, 1985). Its high thermal
expansion coefficient (14.5 x 10-6 /degreeC) closely matches that of the body
and incisal porcelains designed for bonding to metal (13.5x 10-6 ).
§ The flexural strength of
unglazed magnesia core ceramic is twice as high (131 MPa) as that of
conventional feldspathic porcelain.
Zirconia based porcelain:
§ Mirage II (Myron
international, Kansas city, KS ) is conventional feldspathic porcelain in which
tetragonal zirconia fibres have been included.
§ Zirconia undergoes a
crystallographic transformation from monalinic to tetragonal at 1173 degree C)
§ Partial stabilization can
be obtained by using various oxides such as CaO, MgO, y2o3 and Ceo which allows
high temperature tetragonal phase to be retained at room temperature.
§ The result of this
transformation is that compressive stresses are established on the crack
surface, there by arresting its growth. This mechanism is called transformation
§ The addition of yttria –
stabilized zirconia to conventional feldspathic porcelain has been shown to
produce substantial improvements in fracture toughness, strength and thermal
shock resistance.
Leucite reinforced feldspathic
§ Optec HSP material is a
feldspathic porcelain containing up to 45 vol% tetragonal leucite
(Schmid et al 1992, Pinche etal 1994,
Demy and Rosensteil , 1995)
§ The greater leucite
content of Optec HSP porcelain compared with conventional feldspathic porcelain
for metal ceramics leads to a higher modulus for rupture and compressive
§ The larger amount of
leucite in the material contributes to a high thermal contraction coefficient.
In addition the large thermal contraction mismatch between leucite
(22-25x10-6/degreeC ) and the glassy matrix (8x10-6 /degreeC) results in
development of tangential compressive stresses in the glass around the leucite
crystals when cooled.
§ These stresses can act as
crack deflectors and contribute to increase the resistance of the weaker glassy
phase to crack propagation.
Slip cast all ceramic
§ Slip casting involves the
condensation of an aqueous porcelain slip on a refractory die. The porosity of
the refractory die helps condensation by absorbing the water from the slip by
capillary action. The piece is then fired at high temperature on the refractory
§ The fired core is later
glass infiltered a unique process in which molten glass is drawn in to the
pores by capillary action at high temperature.
§ Advantages include reduced
porosity, fewer defects from processing and higher toughness than conventional
feldspathic porcelains.
§ Disadvantages include high
opacity and long processing times.
§ Materials used in this
technique are
-Alumina based materials
-Spinell and zirconia based
Glass ceramics:
Mica based :
§ Glass ceramics obtained by
controlled devitrification of glasses with a suitable composition including
nucleating agents. Depending on the composition of the glass, various
crystalline phases can nucleate and grow within the glass.
§ The advantage of this
process is that dental restorations can be cast by means of lost wax technique,
thus increasing the homogeneity of the final product compared with conventional
sintered feldspathic.
§ Dicor is a mica based
glass ceramic
§ Micas are classified as
layer type silicates.
§ Cleavage planes are
situated along the layers and this special crystal structure dictates the
mechanical properties of the mineral itself. Crack propagation is not likely to
occur across the mica crystals and is more probable along the cleavage planes
of these layered silicates.
§ In the glass ceramic
material the mica crystals are usually highly interlocked within the glassy
matrix, achieving a “house of cards” microstructure (Grossman 1972). The
interlocking of the crystal is a key factor in the fracture resistance of glass
Hydroxyl apatite based:
Cera pearl
(Kyocera, Sandiego CA) is a castable glass ceramic in which the
main crystalline phase is oxyapatite transformable into hydroxyapatite when
exposed to moisture (Hobo and Iwata 1985).
Future directions:
§ The future of ceramics for
dentistry is clearly open to new technologies. Research is now focusing on
fractrographic analysis of clinically failed restorations, measure of fatigue
parameters and lifetime prediction of ceramic restorations.
§ The metal ceramic
technique is still the most commonly used procedure in restorative dentistry
and the success of new all ceramic systems will depend as much on developmental
as on analytical research.
Poly (methyl
methacrylate) polymers were introduced as denture base materials in 1937.
materials such as vulcanite , nitrocellulose, phenol formaldehyde, vinyl
plastics and porcelain were used. Later other polymers vinyl acrylic
polysterene epoxy, nylon, vinyl sterene, poly carbonate, poly sulfone-
unsaturated polyester, polymethane, polyvinylacetate ethylene, hydrophilic
polyacrylate, silicones, light activated urethane dimethacrylate, rubber
reinforced acrylics and butadiene reinforced acrylic were used.
Ideal requirements of denture base materials:
Strength and durability
Satisfactory thermal properties
Processing accuracy and dimensional stability
Chemical stability
Insolubility in and low sorption of oral fluids
Absence of taste and odour
Natural appearance
Color stability
10. Adhesion to plastics ,
metals and porcelains
11. Ease of fabrication and
12. Moderate cost.
Classification of denture base materials:
Based on the duration of use
Based on the material used
Based on the chemical composition of the resins
Types of acrylic resins
-based on their mode of activation
-based on filler particles.
1. Based on duration of use:
§ Temporary : it’s used to
construct occlusal rims for jaw relations
§ Permanent: it’s a final
It’s made in
heat cure resin or in casting alloys
2. Based on the material used
§ Non metallic- acrylic
resins and waxes
§ Metallic - base metal
alloys, type IV gold alloys.
3. Based on the chemical
composition of the resins:
§ Type1: acrylic
§ Type2: dimethacrylate
§ Type3: composites
Types of
acrylic resins:
Based on their mode of
§ Heat activated
§ Chemically activated or
self cure or cold cure or autopolymerized resins
§ Light activated resins.
Based on the filler
§ Unfilled resins for direct
filling eg:acrylic resins
§ Filled resins for direct
filling eg: composites
Evolution of acrylic resins:
§ Acrlic acid and its
derivatives came to be well known by the 1890’s
§ Dr.ottorohm is considered as the
father of Recent acrylic. He introduced polymers of acrylic acid in 1901.
§ 1927 acryloid and plexigum
both polymers of polymethylmethacrylate were introduced by Rohm and Haas.
§ In 1931 commercial
production of harder poymethyl methacrylates occurred with the introduction of
plexiglass (also known as organic glass, leucite I plexite)
§ Acrylic resins came in to
use in dentistry between 1930 and 1940. they are used in dentistry as denture
base materials.
ANSI/ADA specifications No: 12 (1567) for denture base
include the following types and classes:
Type 1: heat
polymerizable polymers (class 1 powder and liquid; class 2: plastic cake)
Type 2: auto polymerizable
polymers (class1: powder and liquid, class2: powder and liquid pour type
Type3: thermoplastic
blank or powder
Type4: light
activated materials
Type5: microwave
cured materials
specifications for non processed materials are
§ The liquid should be as
clear as water and free of extraneous material and the powder, plastic cake or
procured blank should be free of impurities such as dirt and lint.
§ A satisfactory denture base
results when the manufacture’s instructions are followed. The denture base
should be nonporous and free from surface defects.
§ The cured plastic should
take a high gloss when polished
§ The processed denture
should not be toxic to a normal healthy person
§ The color should be as
§ The plastic should be
§ The cured plastic should
not show any bubbles or voids.
Specific requirements:
§ Water sorption shall not
be more than 0.8mg/cm2 after immersion for 7days/ at 37degreeC.
§ Stability shall not be
more than 0.04mg/cm2 after water soaked specimen is dried to constant weight.
§ Plastic shall show no more
than a slight color change when exposed
to a 24hr specified UV lamp test.
Recent advances in denture base materials:
Pour type acrylics:
§ The chemical composition
of the pour type denture resins is similar to poly (methyl methacrylate)
materials that are polymerized at room temperature.
§ The principle difference
is in the size of the polymer powder or beads. The pour type denture base
resins commonly referred to as fluid resins, have much smaller powder
particles, when mixed with monomer the resulting slurry is very fluid.
§ The mix is quickly poured
in to an agar hydrocolloid or modified plaster mold and allowed to polymerize
under pressure at 0.14MPa.
§ Centrifugal casting and
injection molding are technique s used to inject the slurry into the mold.
High impact strength acrylics:
§ Denture base materials
that have greater impact strength have been introduced.
§ These polymers are reinforced
with butadiene –styrene rubber. The rubber particles are grafted to methyl
methacrylate to bond to the acrylic matrix.
§ These materials are
supplied in a powder- liquid form and are processed in the same way as other
heat accelerated methyl methacrylate materials.
Rapid heat polymerized
§ These hybrid acrylics are
polymerized in boiling water immediately after being packed in to a denture
§ The initiator is
formulated from both chemical and heat activated initiators to allow rapid
polymerization without the porosity.
§ After placing the denture
in boiling water the water is brought back to afull boil for 20min.
§ After bench cooling to
room temperature, the denture is deflasked, trimmed and polished in the
conventional manner.
Light activated resins:
§ This denture base material
consists of a urethane dimethacrylate matrix with an acrylic copolymer,
microfine silica fillers and a photoinitiator system.
§ It’s supplied in premixed
sheets having clay like consistency.
§ The denture base material
is adapted to the cast while it’s still pliable
§ The denture base can be
polymerized in a light chamber with blue light of 400-500nm.
§ The denture base can be
polymerized in a light chamber without teeth and used as a record base.
§ The teeth are processed to
the base with additional material and the anatomy is sculptured while the
material is still plastic.
§ The denture rotates in
chamber to provide uniform exposure to the light source.
Reinforced denture base
with glass fillers:
(Ref: JOP1999,
18-26, vol-8, no.1)
has conducted a study to evaluate the effect of short glass fibers on the
transverse strength of a heat polymerized denture base material.
In their study they incorporated glass fibers (Sio2- 54%,
Al2O3-14%, B2O3-9%, MgO-5% and CaO-18%) that were 3.8 micrometers in diameter.
Optimal adhesion between the fibers and the polymer matrix
can be obtained by mixing with silane coupling agents.
Incorporation of glass fibers in a continuous roving form
increases the strength of dentures and enhances the fracture resistance.
Main disadvantage of this system is difficulty in handling
the fibers and inadequate degree of impregnation of fibers with the resin.
materials used for reinforcement of acrylic resin materials are
Polymer-fiber composites:
Polymer fiber composites are materials that are composed of a polymer matrix and reinforcement.
The fiber reinforcement is characterized by its length being
much greater than it’s cross sectional dimensions.
In polymer free composites the fibers are embedded in a
polymer matrix which binds the fibers and forms a continuous phase surrounding
the fibers.
The polymer matrix transfers the loads to the fibers which
are stronger component of the composite.
The composites with long fibers are called continuous fiber
composites and those with short fibers are called short fiber composites.
The chemical bond between the polymer and the fibers should
ideally be of a covalent nature.
proper adhesion makes it possible to transfer the stresses
from the matrix to the fibers.
Carbon /graphite fibers:
Ø The carbon / graphite
fiber reinforcement of the denture base materials was published in the early
Ø The study reported a 100%
increase of the transverse strength of PMMA.
Aramid fibers:
Aramid fiber is the generic name for aromatic polyamide
fibers, which are more commonly called Kevlar fibers after the first
commercially available AF produced by Du pont.
Fibers have been shown to significantly increase the impact
strength of acrylic denture base material.
The Aramid yellow color of the aramid fibers might limit
their use to certain intra oral applications.
Metal fillers:
Ø They improve the thermal
conductivity of PMMA and enhances it’s strength, but also contribute to poor
esthetics for complete dentures.
Ultra high modulus polyethylene fibers (UHMP):
Ø The effect of
unidirectional UHMP fiber reinforcement on the transverse strength of the PMMA
depends on the amount of fibers present.
Ø Fiber contents as high as
40-70% wt considerably enhanced transverse strength of the composite.
Aluminium oxide addition:
Ayman E.Ellakwa et al. conducted a study on the effect of
adding from 5.2% by wt Al2O3 powder on the flexural strength and thermal
diffusivity of heat polymerized acrylic resin.
In their study aluminium oxide powder was added to polymer of
heat polymerized acrylic resin.
The monomer and the polymer of the heat polymerized acrylic
resin were proportioned, mixed packed and pressed in to the mold following
manufacturer’s directions.
Aluminium oxide commonly referred to as alumina possess
strong ionic, interatomic bonding giving rise to its desirable material
Can exist in several crystalline phases which hexagonal alpha
phase is the most stable form.
They conclude that the incorporation of Al2O3 powder from 5%
to 20% by weight in to conventional heat polymerized denture base resin results
in an increase in both it flexural strength and thermal diffusivity.
Introduction of a
denture injection system for use with microwavable acrylic resins;
GC lab technologies (LOCK
PORT IL) introduced a
denture base processing system that combines injection molding and microwave
activation techniques that accelerate the polymerization process.
In the GC INJECTION system a pneumatic press is used to force
unpolymerized acylic resin into the mold cavity. A modified microwavable flask
is used to facilitate this process. The
modified flask has a small channel in its lid that permits a small diameter
sprue (7mm) to pass from the external surface of the flask in to the mold
The injection
process eliminates the need for direct handling of resin during the packing
Ø The additional cost of the
pneumatic press and associated flask components.
Ø The necessity of adding
and removing screws.
(2004) compared the three dimensional changes of 3 injection molded
denture base materials to that of conventionally processed polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA) Resin.
They compare the dimensional accuracy of maxillary complete
denture, which are processed in 4 types of materials. 1. PMMA (microlon). 2.
Injection –molded PMMA (Northern) 3.injection-molded nylon (valplast). 4.
Injection molded styrene.
They concluded that for all groups the greatest distortion
occurred with nylon and the least with styrene.
Development of a radio opaque auto polymerizing dental
acrylic resin:
There are many materials which can act as radio opaque
Eg: Barium
sulfate, Barium acrylate, Bismuth bromide)
But these materials weaken the resin and decrease the transverse
and impact strengths.
Patrik A.Mattie et al (19940 proposed a
component that is Triphenyl Bismuth found to be soluble in avariety of monomers
and polymers seems to overcome the problems of the bismuth trihalides and has a
very low level of cytotoxicity which
indicates significant biocompatibility.
TPB doesnot leach from the resin and provides
radioopacityequivalentto aluminium.
And the authors concluded that TPB doesnot significantly
alter required performance and processing properties.
It is the goal of
medical procedure to provide the best treatment for the patient while following
the Hippocratic
oath: “First, do no harm”. As dentists, we are challenged to restore function while
providing a highly esthetic result. The choices available for esthetic
restorations are expanding continually as more private and public research is
aimed at improving clinical results.
An examination of
material properties should lead us to select those
engineered to provide the patient with best clinical out come with respect to
esthetics , function , longevity and compatibility with surrounding natural
1. Restorative Dental
materials: G Craig & John M Powers-11th edition2002.
2. Phillips science of dental
materials: Anusavice; 11th edition
3. DCNA, July 2007, 994-1003.
4. O’Brien, Dental Materials
& their Selection 1997
5. Evolution of dental
ceramics in the twentieth century, John W.Mclean, JPD VOL-85, NO.1, Jan-2001.
6. A novel comonomer –free
light-cured glass – ionomer cement for reduced cytotoxicity and enhanced
mechanical strength. Dong Xie, J of
Dental materials 23 (2007) 994-1003.
7. The effect of disinfection
and a wetting agent on the wettability of addition silicone Impresion materials;
Paul J.Milward, JPD 2001; 86.165-7.
8. Introduction of a denture
injection system for use with microwaveable acrylic resins; R,D Phoenix, JOP, V
ol 6, No.4, DEC1997, pg286-291.
9. JOP , 2004,VOL13,
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JOP; VOL-2, No.3 ,sept 1993; pg 174-177
JOP; VOL-3,No.4 DEC.1994;pg 213-218
Poly vinyl siloxane impression materials; an update on
clinical use; Michael N.Mandiko; Australian dental journal ,1998, 43 (6);
JOP; xx (2008) 1-6
VOL-5, No.4 DEC,1996, PG 270-76
JOP; VOL-8, No.1 march 1999, pg 18-26
Clinical performance of chair side CAD/CAM restorations;JADA,
VOL 137, 22-31
The evolution of the CEREC system; Werner H. Mormann, JADA,
vol 137, 2006
Materials for chairside CAD/CAM produced restorations,
Russell GIORDANO;JADA, vol 137 ,2006 14
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