mouth harbours many microorganisms is an ecosystem of considerable complexity,
that has not been fully investigated yet and is far from completely understood.
Recently the
mouth was regarded as a single habitant for microorganisms but it is how
realized that the teeth, gingival crevice, tongue, other mucosal surfaces and
saliva all from different habitat or sites when microorganisms multiply.
habitat contains its characteristic population with many different microbial species.
are the most predominant type of microorganisms present in human oral cavity.
than 30 genera of bacteria have been detected in human mouth. 25 of which are
regular members of the oral flora.
belong to both aerobic and anaerobic groups of bacteria. Bacteria present in
the oral cavity are both gram +ve and gram –ve. On average 750 million
microorganisms are present in each ml of saliva.
Development of the oral flora
The divided into 4 categories
1. At birth
2. Infancy and early
child hood
3. Adolescence
Adult hood
the mouth of the full term foetus is usually sterile although organisms which
are only transient may be aquired from mother and also from environment.
Several streptococcal and staphylococcal species may be isolated either with
colitumns lactobacilli, bacillus spp, neisseria spp and yeasts.
Streptococcus salivarious is the
most common isolate from the mouth of young babies and together with
staphylococcus albus.
candida albicans multiply rapidly in the mouth and in low pH it prevents the
normal growth of other commensals and overgrowth of yeasts produces what is
known as oral thrush.
2. Infancy
and early child hood
infants comes into contact with an ever increasing range of microorganisms and
some of these will become established as part of commensal flora of the
Ø The
eruption of deciduous teeth provides a different surface for microbial
Ø Characterized
by the appearance of streptococcus sanguis and mutants.
Ø With
increasing to teeth and changes in the diet the overall properties of organisms
in the mouth will change.
Ø Actinomycetes,
lactobacilli and Rothia are tuned regularly.
Ø The
greatest increase in number of organisms in the mouth occurs when the permanent
teeth erupt.
Ø These
teeth have deep tissues in their surfaces interproximal spaces are much larger
in these in deciduous dentition.
Ø The
gingival crevice is deeper than in deciduous teeth and allows for a great
increase in anaerobic organisms.
Ø Bacteroids
spp become established in large number as well as leptofrichia spp,
fusobacterium spp and spirochetes.
Ø The
lesion of dental caries will create a new involvement for organisms especially
streptococci will furnish.
4. Adult
amount of dental plaque may be present and the degree of chronic periodontal
disease will also govern the number and types of microorganisms found.
Ø Carious
lesion and unsatisfactory restoration will provide environment for bacteria.
Ø There
is increase in bacteroids spp and spirochetes superfacial plaque contains many
streptococci mostly streptococcus mutans, mitior and sanguis.
Ø Actinomycetes
are also regularly isolated.
Ø Edentulous
patients harbour few spirochetes or bacteriods but their carriage of yeasts
Ø Yeasts
are normally found in the dorsum of tongue.
Ø Denture
provide proved environment in which yeasts can multiply.
Benefits of oral microflora
beneficial aspects of resident microbial flora of oral cavity for the host
Supply of certain nutrients.
Aid in food digestion and
profection against involving and endodontic pathogens.
Oral bacteria like intestinal flora
produce certain vitamins and cofactors which are needed by humans. These
include vitamin K, biotin and riboflavin.
Production of digestive enzymes
such as amylase, lipase and protease.
In the presence of resident flora
it is difficult for exogenous organisms to establish themselves and produce
disease. Growth of organisms such as cornybacterium diptheria, streptococcus
pyrogens, staphylococcus aureus has been shown to be inhibitated in vitro by
streptococcus mitior.
Helps in maturation of host immune
Factors affecting the development of the oral flora
In order to
become established in the mouth an organism must
Be introduced
Be retained
Be able to multiply in the
conditions present in the mouth
From birth wide variety of microorganisms are introduced into the mouth only
certain species are able to become established in oral cavity.
Retention of microorganisms is usually continued to a particular site in mouth.
Factors covering these are
Some bacteria have the ability to adhere to soft tissues. Streptococcus
salivarius can adhere to the mucosa of dorsum of tongue. Other in particular
streptococcus mutans, mitior and sanguis to enamel as the result of production
of extracellular polysaccharide. Some oral actinomycetes adhere through a
hyaluronic acid mediated mechanism.
sites: Dental plaque will provide a protected environment
for bacteria. The largest protected site is gingival crevice where species such
as melaniogenicus and sphirochetes can survive.
forces: salivary flow the movement of tongue. Abrasive action
of diet serve to remove bacteria.
To become established as a measure of the oral flora an organism must be able
to multiply in the particular site in which it can be retained.
The factors govern this are
Availability of substrates in order
to grow bacteria must be able to metabolic the availability substrates which
come in diet. Increased carbohydrates in diet probably has the greatest effects
in increasing the number of oral bacteria especially streptococci.
the metabolism of microorganisms is often dependent on pH and bacteria inhibit
by low pH may not survive in the acid conditions of dental plaque or under the
base of denture.
Bacteroids melaninagericus and
veillanella spp are inherent if pH below 5.5.
Lactobacillus spp and candida
albicans can tolerate very low pH values.
iii) Oxidation or reduction of
surrounding: The oxidation reduction potentional of the site is
often crucial in determining the nature of the flora in that site.
Anaerobic organisms such as
bacteroids fusobacteria, spirochetes actinomyctes will only multiply in reduced
Low oxidation reduction potential
can only be achieved radily in the gingival crevice and in the deeper layer of
dental plaque.
iv) Microbial Interactions:
The complexity of communities of microorganisms is the result of a mucosa of
microbial interactions.
Some of these are nutritional such
as provision of para amino benzoic acid by streptococcus sanguis for
streptococcus mutans in reduced conditions.
Provision of vitamin K for
bacteroids melanegenious which in turn produce format for cariopylobacteria
pH: members of the oral flora grow
best in vitro at about 70.
However, the plaque pH can drop to
below 5.0 during eating this low pH could select for aciduric organisms.
When the pH was dropped to 5.0 only
strep mutans and L. Casei were capable of growth.
Diet as a nutrient source
Ø Three
factors influences the effectiveness of the diet as a microbial nutrient
Ø These
are the 1) Chemical composition of the diet 2) The physical consistency of its
components 3) And the frequency of its presentation.
Ø The
macromolecular nutrients such as starches, proteins and lipids are normally not
available to the oral flora because their transit time through the oral cavity
is too short for then to be degraded to usuable nutrients.
Ø It
physical consistency of the food that contain them permits retention such as
fibrous food between the teeth or sticky foods in tissures pits and contact
points then some utilization of starches and proteins could occur.
Ø Low
molecular weight soluble carbohydrates such as sucrose and lactose are radially
metabolized by the oral flora.
Ø It
is this bioavailability of these simple sugars that make them cariogenic.
Ø In
dental decay the consistency of the diet and the frequency of ingestion may be
more important than diet composition.
Ø Both
consistency and frequency influence the length of time that food remains in
contact with the plaque and thus is available for bacterial use.
Ø When
snacks are inter porsed between meals they augment the time of nutrient
The consistency of food also
influences the plaque flora liquid foods such as fruit juices and tonics are
usually swallowed quickly and for this reason they are not readily available to
oral flora.
for those subjects who eat between meals, sugar could be defected in their
salivas during most of the day. This meant that some microbial fermentation was
ongoing in the plaque the most of the day.
pH at plaque enamel interface probably was below pH 5.5 this is the critical pH
for enamel demineralization.
Saliva as a nutrient source
is hameostatic fluid that buffers the plaque, saliva can provide nutrients to
flora it contains about 1% solids, which include glycoproteins inorganic salts,
aminoacids, glucose.
Gingival crevice fluid
crevice contain serum transudate that contains tissue and serum proteins as
well as free amino acid, vitamins, glucose.
Shed cells
epithelial surfaces of oral cavity shedding their surface cells, also
phagocytic cells enter the oral cavity.
memamalian cells can be lysed by the hypotonicity of saliva and their contents
are than available for microbial nutrients.
bacteria them selves can provide nutrients for each other. Lactic acid
producing bacteria such as streptococcus and lactate utilizing species such as
veillonella alkalescens.
The Normal Microbial Flora of Different Sites of the Mouth
Lips: On the lips there is a transition
from skin to oral mucosa and is also changes in the bacterial population.
Staphylococcus albus with large number of streptococci typical of the mouth. If
the commisures are moistened by saliva an angular chilitis may develop from
which candida albicans staphylococcus aurius and streptococcus pyrogens are
Cheek: Predominant cheek bacterium is
streptococcus mitior with streptococcus sanguis and salivaries yeasts may be
isolated from the cheeks.
Palate: Hard palate supports a
streptococcus flora haemophili are found regularly and lactobacilli are common.
Few anaerobes found in exposed
mucosal surface.
Yeasts and lactobacilli will
increase dramatically in some denture wearers.
The soft palate will harbour
respiratory tract bacteria such as hemophillus, comebacterium, Neisseria.
Tongue: The keratinized dorsal surface of
the tongue is an ideal site for the retention of microorganisms streptococcus
salivarious is the predominant organisms.
Streptococcus mitior and
Hemophillus spp are also common.
Dorsum of the tongue is frequently
colonized by small number of candida albicans.
Gingival crevice
bacterial population of the gingival crevice is perhaps the most numerous of
any site in the mouth.
The gingival crevice is relatively
well protected from the forces that dislodge bacteria and the cervicular fluid
transudate provides a rich nutrients for some fastidious organisms.
Facultative Gram +ve cocci:
Anaerobic gram tye cocci are recovered from gingival crevice.
Teeth: All erupted teeth have
microorganisms attached usually in the deposits termed dental plaque.
These bacterias are depositioned in
the occlusal tissues and in enamel defects and in interproximal spaces, close
to gingival margin.
Oral streptococci gram +ve rods and
some gram –ve anaerobic are always present.
Gingival: Salivary samples can be used in
detecting caries of candida albicans or beta hemolytic streptococci.
Veillonella spp, streptococcus
oralis, streph salivarius, strept, mutans, strept sangins are isolated from
Denture and other intra oral appliances
and lactobacilli will multiply on any mucosal surfaces protected from the flow
of saliva.
Candida albicans can be cultured in
large numbers from the fitting surfaces of acrylic dentures.
The Principle Microorganisms of the Mouth
organisms described below are present in all mouths in large number.
Grame +ve cocci
oral streptococci comprise a group of bacteria that are either non hemolytic or
produce various hemolytic patterns.
many years they were termed streptococcus viridans but it has been realized
that this group consists at least five distinct species. Streptococcus sanguis,
mitior, mutans, salivarius and mitieri.
are known as the viridans streptococci they dominate the oral flora in early
life. They represent about half of bacteria on the tongue other mucosal
surfaces and saliva.
occupy about 30% of the flora of dental plaque and gingival crevice.
Sarguis: It is a common constituent of dental plaque because it adheres readily
to the tooth surface through the production of extracellular gluean.
mitior: is also a common constituent of dental plaque and some strains produce
extracellular glucan.
mutans: Is the bacterium widely regarded as causing the initial carious lesion
on a tooth.
Several serotypes like types ‘c’
and ‘d’ are most commonly implicated in dental caries.
These polymers from dietary sucrose
including mutan and glucan.
These polymers can attach firmly to
the tooth and the bacteria attach to the polymers.
Streptococcus salivarius: Is mostly
found attached to epithelial surfaces particularly the dorsum of the tongue.
It produces fraction from dietary
When grown on sucrose containing
agar the colonies are characteristically mucoid.
Other aerobic streptococci isolated
from the mouth include streptococcus faccalis and bouis.
Isolation of beta hemolytic
streptococci is possible from the posterior soft palate and the tonsillar
Micrococcus mucilaginous is a
regular isolate from the dorsum of tongue.
Grame –ve cocci
Neisseria and Branilanella
of grame –ve diplococci are found in the mouth.
Neisseria magnitudes may be
isolated from the throat.
The remaining Gram –ve diplococci
belong to the genus Branhamella mostly Branhamella catarrhalis these are
isolated from dental plaque as well as from most mucosal surfaces.
group of gram –ve anaerobic cocci consists two species. Veillonella parvula and
They found principally in dental
plaque and are the earliest anaerobic to colonize the mouth.
Gram +ve rods and filaments
are numerous genera of gram +ve rods and filaments represents in the mouth
mostly found in dental plaque. They are
organisms appear as early colonizers of the mouth and remain as or a
Two species are commonly found in
the mouth, lactobacillus casei and acidophilus.
of this genus are found in almost all sites of the body where there is a
commensal flora.
the U.K. isolations of toxigenic and on toxigenic corybacterium dipth theroid
from the throat and soft palate are isolated.
Bacillus: These sporing gram +ve rods are
occasionally isolate from the mouth but are regarded as transient bacteria.
Actinomyces: Actinomyces are generally
isolated from the mouth.
They are generally found in dental
The oral species are mostly
facultative anaerobes with only actinomyces Israeli regarded as a true
Actinomyces odontolyticus was first
isolated from carious dentin and it may be partly responsible for the
progression of the lesion.
Actinomyces viscous and naeslundii
are found in dental plaque.
Eubacterium: Organisms of this genus colonize
dental plaque and much of the digestive tract.
Eubacterium alactolyticum and
saburram are the dominant oral species.
They are non sporing anaerobic
Propionibacterium: They are
anaerobic diptheroids.
They are characterized by the
production of propionic acid from the breakdown of carbonhydrates.
They are isolated predominantly
from dental plaque.
Gram –ve rods and filaments
Haemophilus: In saliva the predominant
species are Haemophillus influenzae and para influenzae but in dental plaque
Haemophillus sings is mostly commonly isolated.
Fusobacterium: are gram –ve strietly
anaerobic filamentous bacteria whose filaments generally have pointed ends.
Initially two species were
recognized in the mouth. Fusobacterium nuckleatum and polymorphus and they are
isolated from plaque.
Actinobacillus: Actinobacillus
actinomycetemitans is found as a commensal in the gingival crevice.
strictly anaerobic organisms are isolated from the deeper parts of the gingival
Spirochetes being dependent for
growth on the lowest oxidation reduction potential of any oral bacteria.
Two gluer are present in the mouth
Borrelia and Trepohema.
Oral spirochetes are narrow
halically coiled with pointed ends. They are motile and stain gram –ve but are
difficult to see unless stained by a silver impregnation method.
The larger and less tightly coiled
spirochetes seen in oral specimens are termed Borrelia vincenti and Borrelia
about 30% of the adult population carry yeasts as part of their normal flora.
These are usually situated on the
hard palate, dorsum of tongue and in the upper buccal sulens.
wearers may have an increased carriage rate of yeasts.
most common yeast isolated from the mouth is candida albicans but candida
tropicalis krusei have also been isolated.
Mycoplasm: Two mycoplasms mycoplasma orale and
solivaries are found in the mouth usually in the gingival crevice and also in
dental plaque.
Protozoa: Two protozoons Entamoeba
gingivalis and trichomonas tenax are regularly isolated from the mouth
particularly from gingival crevice.
The microbial flora of mouth is
highly complex containing a wide variety of bacterial species the most common
type of oral disease, dental caries and periodontal disease are both related to
dental plaque and seen to occur in the normal balance between the
microorganisms and lost is altered application of modern molecular techniques
to the study of this microbiology of oral disease should allow rapid progress
in their diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment.
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